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Enemies of the Crown is going on tour with Rachel's Random Resources, if you wish to participate please contact me on with your name, blog name, preferred post type and availability. 

One Christmas Eve Cover

Enemies of the Crown by Peter Gibbons

Genre: Historical Adventure

Tour Dates: 2nd - 8th April 2025

Publication Date: 2nd April 2025

Publisher: Boldwood Books

Standalone Fifth Book in The Saxon Warriors series

Formats available: Netgalley Widget

Types of post available: Review Only

A weakened crown. A country besieged by Vikings, suffering under the oppression of a powerful church.


King Aethelred the Unready’s rule falters. Policies recommended by the controlling bishops invite more attacks upon his Saxon kingdom as Sweyn Forkbeard, Viking battle-king of the Danes, grows in power; bloodthirsty for conquest.

Beornoth, Viking-killer and kings thegn believed his days in the shield wall to be over until summoned by the king to enforce a policy of retribution against his enemies.

In a time of shifting loyalties, alongside a savage warband of cruel Norman warriors, Beornoth embarks upon a brutal quest to rid England of King Aethelred’s so-called Viking enemies.

However, when this murderous campaign leads to the door of an old friend, Beornoth must choose sides, as his loyalty to king, country, and his brothers of the sword are put to the test.

Can Beornoth triumph over insurmountable odds in this shield splintering battle for the future of England itself?

About Peter Gibbons

Peter is the winner of the 2022 Kindle Storyteller Literary Award, and an author based in Kildare in Ireland, with a passion for Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction, and of course writing! Peter was born in Warrington in the UK and studied Law at Liverpool John Moores University, before taking up a career in Financial Services and is now a full time author. Peter currently lives in Kildare Ireland, and is married with three children. Peter is an avid reader of both Historical Fiction and Fantasy novels, particularly those of Bernard Cornwell, Steven Pressfield, David Gemmell, and Brandon Sanderson. His books include the Viking Blood and Blade Saga, the Saxon Warrior series, and the Chronicles of Arthur.

​Follow Peter Gibbons

Facebook: @PeterGibbonsAuthor

Twitter: @AuthorGibbons


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Blog Tour Schedule

Maximum 3 stops per day.  Confirmed blogs will appear here. 

2nd April

  1. Bookish Jottings

3rd April

  1. Sharon Beyond The Books

  2. Storied Conversation

4th April

  1. David's Book Blurg

  2. FourMooniverse

5th April

  1. Novel Kicks

6th April

  1. Reviewsfeed

7th April

  1. AmyMcElroy

8th April

  1.  Scrapping&Playing

  2. @maddyreadsherstory

  3. @sudeshnablogs

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