The Swim is going on tour with Rachel's Random Resources, if you wish to participate please contact me on rachel@rachelsrandomresources.com with your name, blog name, preferred post type and availability.

The Swim by Janet Hoggarth
Genre: Women's Fiction
Tour Dates: 7th - 13th May 2025
Publication Date: 7th May 2025
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Standalone Novel
Formats available: Netgalley Widget
Types of post available: Review Only
Cordelia Franks never finishes anything and has spent a lifetime hiding in the shadows.
So, when she decides to train to swim the English Channel, she understands why no one believes she can do it. She doesn’t really believe she can either, but she’s determined to try.
As she strides into the Channel with hours stretching ahead of her, Cordelia swims against every milestone in her life so far. Every failed relationship, every friendship let go, every exam failed, every tricky job she quit. A life lived never giving it her all. Until now.
With every stroke, with every mile, Cordelia knows that this is finally her moment. Because if she keeps this promise to herself, if she doesn’t give up, nothing will ever be the same again.
And waiting in France is an unimagined future and someone who does believe in her…
About Janet Hoggarth
Janet Hoggarth is the number one bestselling author of The Single Mums' Mansion and the highly successful Single Mums' subsequent series. She has worked on a chicken farm, as a bookseller, a children’s book editor, a children’s author, and as a DJ (under the name of Whitney and Britney!). She lives with her family in East Dulwich, London.
Follow Janet Hoggarth
Facebook: @JanetHoggarthAuthor
Twitter: @JanetHAuthor
Instagram: @janet_hoggarth_author
Newsletter Sign Up: https://bit.ly/JanetHoggarthnews

Blog Tour Schedule
Maximum 3 stops per day. Confirmed blogs will appear here.
7th May
8th May
9th May
Nicki's Book Blog
10th May
11th May
12th May
Captured on Film
13th May
Kelly T’s Space